
How to Improve Website Traffic And Keywords Ranking After Google Core Updates 2020?

So, if your website is still not ranking, you have a good chance to roll up your sleeve and try to get the rank. Recent Google updates focus on quality work, so your website could obtain a significant rank even though you don’t want to work much. All you need to do is make sure that everything on your website is perfectly stuffed that meets the criteria of recent updates. However, you may miss some points if not aware of all the updates. So, we are discussing some worthy tips to improve website ranking after recent Google Updates.

google core update may 20202

Ensure Quality of Content

Do you agree “content is king”? of course We as a team “DigitalHalt” do! But now on after recent Google updates, the significance of content has become more in obtaining the rank. So, don’t just rewrite and edit existing content, ensure that your website content is well-researched, original, to the point, user-oriented, and worthy of reading and sharing. Google may promote the website which has quality content and yet not having a significant rank. There are some parameters that you must consider in your content.

Content must be original, informative, well-research and user-oriented
It must provide complete information of what your website is all about
It meets originality and stuffed with information that is worth reading
There must be relevancy in the headline, page title, subtitle and description
Your content is worthy of bookmarking and sharing
It must be free from spelling, grammatical, and factual errors

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